Room in the inn (Neil L. Andersen)
A kind Frenchman comes to the rescue in this Christmas Eve story from the life of Elder Neil L. Andersen.
Scrooge’s nephew speaks to him of Christmas
In this scene from A Christmas Carol, Fred Holywell delivers his statement of conviction and defense of Christmas to his uncle Ebenezer.
Father Mohr and the first Silent Night
The story of Silent Night, one of the world’s best known Christmas carols.
The boy who laughed at Santa Claus
In this cautionary tale for children, humorist Ogden Nash tells the shocking story of Jabez Dawes, who loudly proclaimed his disbelief in Santa Claus - until one fateful Christmas Eve…
The man and the birds (Paul Harvey)
Paul Harvey relates his classic story of a man who finds faith at Christmas - with the help of some freezing birds.
The Ragged Stocking
At Christmas time, a miscreant’s love for his child inspires him to stop drinking.
The spirit of the season (Thomas S. Monson)
Recently, as I’ve reminisced concerning past Christmases, I’ve realized that probably no other time of the year yields as many poignant memories as does Christmas.
The story of Christmas is a story of love
One of the most beautiful symbols of the birth of Jesus Christ into this world is light. The appearance of the long-promised Messiah brought light to a darkened world.
The wondrous and true story of Christmas (Gordon B. Hinckley)
Gordon B. Hinckley has a memorable story he would like to recount - a parable of sorts. Highly recommended reading.
Thoughts on Christmas (David O. McKay)
The Yule-tide festivity is filled with the spirit of the Christ. At that time more than at any other, we think of others, and try to express either in word or deed our desire to make others happy.
Trouble at the inn
Wally fancied the idea of being a shepherd with a flute in the Christmas pageant that year, but the play’s director, Miss Lumbard, had different ideas.
‘Twas the night before Christmas
Clement Clark Moore is credited with creating the modern-day image of both Santa Claus, as well as the importance associated with being home, especially on Christmas Eve.
Buddy Learns to Believe
“Spread joy and believe in the magic of Christmas!”, says the producer of this charming short video for every dog lover.
Bishop Monson Provides for German Refugees
A classic story told by President Monson many times in many places over the years.
Two Babies In a Manger
When we told them about Mary and Joseph finding no room in the inn, going to a stable, where the baby Jesus was born and placed in a hay trough, the children and orphanage staff listened with amazement.
He Understood
Story of a young slave laborer in Nazi-era Poland, and the kind factory manager who took him in at Christmas time. A true story with Utah connections.
I Wonder While I Wander
A girl had stepped out to the edge of the little platform... Her clothes were unbelievable dirty and ragged, and she was unwashed. But she was beautiful, and in her untutored way, she could sing…
Christmas At Sea
The ship was saved; but all that I could think of, in the darkness and the cold, was just that I was leaving home and my folks were growing old.
A Christmas Miracle
Winter is a cold time of year in the Russia Moscow Mission. To a missionary this sometimes seems true of not only the weather but also the people…