The last of the great Christian monarchs
Queen Elizabeth II, perhaps the last of the great Christian monarchs, was a remarkable ruler who expressed her faith in annual messages throughout her reign.
The birth of Jesus Christ was extensively predicted
The birth of Jesus had been predicted and promised by prophets of God for centuries.
The Benedictus
The Prophecy of Zacharias, or Benedictus, is a less-known but significant part of the Christmas story.
The Magnificat
The Magnificat is a profound hymn of praise spoken by Mary, the mother of Jesus, during her visit to her cousin Elizabeth, shortly after the Annunciation. Learn more about this significant poetic prayer here.
The Tree of Life
The tree of life is a powerful symbol, representing eternal life and God's provision for humanity.
To overcome fear: hope, love, faith
Lloyd D. Newell teaches that in order to overcome fear we must have hope, develop love, turn to God, and trust Him.
A short video taken from his address, “Fear Not.”
We are to “fear not”
God tells us to “fear not.” He can say that because He knows more than we do. He knows what is coming, and, in the eternal scheme of things, it is not as bad as we may think.
A substantial read and one well worth the effort.
Gordon B. Hinckley reflects upon the love of God
Marvelous is the chronicle that began with the singing of angels at Bethlehem and ended on Golgotha’s cruel cross. There is no other life to compare with His life.
Gordon B. Hinckley testifies of Christ at Christmas
“This is the wondrous and true story of Christmas,” says Gordon B. Hinckley, concluding his memorable address at the First Presidency Christmas Devotional in 1994.
The first gift of Christmas
The first gift wasn’t wrapped, had no bow, wasn’t purchased online, or in a store. The first gift of Christmas was a simple gift, a sacred gift. It wasn’t gold, or frankincense, or myrrh. It was a gift of love.
Christmas continues sacred
“The spirit of Christmas illuminates the picture window of the soul,” says Thomas S. Monson in this early Mormon Messages video, “when we look out upon the world's busy life and become more interested in people than in things.”
Bringing to bloom the Christmas spirit
“To catch the real meaning of the spirit of Christmas, we need only drop the last syllable and it becomes the Spirit of Christ,” Thomas S. Monson teaches. That lesson is brought to life in this story of a young girl who reminds her preoccupied family what matters most this time of year and always.
Remember the life and lessons of Jesus
A brief passage from Charles Dickens work, The Life of Our Lord, which he wrote for his children.
All was calm, all was bright
A brief description of the 1914 Christmas Truce in which German, British, and French troops observed an unofficial ceasefire for Christmas. Includes words of Spencer W. Kimball and dramatization from an old English film.
Church 2015 Christmas message — ‘A Savior Is Born’
In the Church’s 2015 video, A Savior Is Born, children in a variety of locales repeat the “good tidings of great joy” associated with Jesus Christ’s birth.
And now we only wait
By changing just one word, the carol “Joy to the World” becomes a millennial anthem.
Can we see the Christ in Christmas?
Many could not see Him, though He walked among them in plain sight. Who did see him, asks Dieter F. Uchtdorf in this outstanding Christmas talk. And can we see the Christ?
The Birth of the Messiah
An outstanding article by Paul Thomas Smith, carefully delineating the events surrounding the nativity of the Christ. A substantial article and well worth the time to read it.