Dona Nobis Pacem
"Dona nobis pacem" is a traditional Latin round commonly sung during Christmas time. It means "Give us peace" in English. This short, simple melody is typically sung in three parts and has been passed down orally through generations. The text comes from the Agnus Dei section of the Latin Mass.
Musical Characteristics
It is a round for three voices
The melody is relatively easy to sing
The second and third parts mainly provide harmony to the first line
It is often found in hymnals and songbooks
Cultural Significance
The round has gained popularity beyond its religious origins:
It is sung in both religious and secular settings
It has been used in peace movements, such as during the reunification of Germany
The simple, repetitive nature of the round makes it accessible to singers of various skill levels
During Christmas, "Dona nobis pacem" is often performed as part of holiday concerts and gatherings. Its message of peace resonates strongly with the spirit of the season, making it a meaningful addition to Christmas celebrations.
In the following video, Dona Nobis Pacem is sung - as it is each Christmas - by the faculty and students of the Eastman School of Music in Rochester, New York.