Gentlemen shepherds
For an inspiring new take on the time-honored God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen, read the words and watch the performance of this memorable processional number.
The Benedictus
The Prophecy of Zacharias, or Benedictus, is a less-known but significant part of the Christmas story.
The Magnificat
The Magnificat is a profound hymn of praise spoken by Mary, the mother of Jesus, during her visit to her cousin Elizabeth, shortly after the Annunciation. Learn more about this significant poetic prayer here.
The Light of the World
Sacred scriptures and modern prophets teach that Jesus Christ is the light of the world, a light that is endless and that cannot be darkened. Featured in this post is a radio drama covering much of the Nativity Story.
To overcome fear: hope, love, faith
Lloyd D. Newell teaches that in order to overcome fear we must have hope, develop love, turn to God, and trust Him.
A short video taken from his address, “Fear Not.”
We are to “fear not”
God tells us to “fear not.” He can say that because He knows more than we do. He knows what is coming, and, in the eternal scheme of things, it is not as bad as we may think.
A substantial read and one well worth the effort.
More thinking about the Star of Bethlehem
A musician shares his thinking about the Christmas Star, coming to a conclusion you may like.
Dona Nobis Pacem
The familiar Latin phrase, Dona Nobis Pacem, asks of God that which, perhaps ironically, was invoked by the mouth of angels on the fields outside Bethlehem.
What was the Star of Bethlehem?
While the historical and astronomical evidence remains inconclusive, several interesting theories have been proposed by astronomers and scholars.
Where did the traditional Manger Scene come from?
The nativity scene tradition has evolved over centuries, becoming a significant part of Christmas celebrations worldwide.
A night without darkness
The Book of Mormon refers to astronomical “signs and wonders” to accompany the birth of Christ, but one of those signs is so remarkable as to set it apart from the others.
The birth of Jesus - according to children
Children around the world love the story of Jesus’ birth. Interestingly, it’s the small details that appeal most to their fertile imaginations.
The Wexford Carol
The Wexford Carol is an ancient Irish song recounting the birth of Jesus Christ.
A rose springs forth
The hymn "Lo, How a Rose E'er Blooming" incorporates multiple symbolic meanings, including that of Jesus Christ, reflecting His divine love and the spiritual connection between believers and God.
In the bleak midwinter of old, a stable-place sufficed for God’s Son
Christina Rossetti’s In the Bleak Midwinter is a classic English Christmas hymn.
From angels bending near the earth
Here read all five verses of Edmund Sears classic Christmas poem.
Christmas Eve, 1893
Poetess Christina Rossetti invites nature to join her in rejoicing that Christ has come.
The Birth of the Messiah
An outstanding article by Paul Thomas Smith, carefully delineating the events surrounding the nativity of the Christ. A substantial article and well worth the time to read it.
A Child Is Born
An outstanding BYU Forum address by Elder Bruce D. Porter. This is a substantial article and one that is highly recommended.
The unforgettable scene in Mr. Krueger’s Christmas
For older Latter-day Saints, actor Jimmy Stewart is iconic for his role in ‘Mr. Krueger’s Christmas’, a little-known and highly underrated Christmas move made in 1984.