The last of the great Christian monarchs
Queen Elizabeth II, perhaps the last of the great Christian monarchs, was a remarkable ruler who expressed her faith in annual messages throughout her reign.
The Magnificat
The Magnificat is a profound hymn of praise spoken by Mary, the mother of Jesus, during her visit to her cousin Elizabeth, shortly after the Annunciation. Learn more about this significant poetic prayer here.
Christmas Prayer
“Let not our hearts be busy inns that have no room for thee, but cradles for the Living Christ and His nativity.”
Christmas in the Heart
A pair of short poems about always having Christmas in one’s heart.
Christmas Everywhere
‘Christmas Everywhere’ by Phillips Brooks is a positive and optimistic poem about the impact of Christmas around the world.
Star In the East
Mack Wilberg’s arrangement, written especially for the 2019 Christmas concert, turned this folk carol into a candle-lit processional for the Tabernacle Choir, which is thrilling to watch and to hear.
To overcome fear: hope, love, faith
Lloyd D. Newell teaches that in order to overcome fear we must have hope, develop love, turn to God, and trust Him.
A short video taken from his address, “Fear Not.”
They still seek Him - a story of modern-day wise men
“By the sweat of their brows, with their hands, men earn bread.. Among them are those that desire to be led.”
Are we among them?
Longfellow and the Christmas bells
The story of Henry Wadsworth Longfellow is one of despair and renewed hope - a painful experience that led to one of today’s most loved Christmas carols.
Miracle during a journey to Mexico
A group of saints found themselves camped on Christmas Eve outside a small town, somewhere deep in Arizona or Mexico. In the town, a woman was looking out her window…
The unforgettable scene in Mr. Krueger’s Christmas
For older Latter-day Saints, actor Jimmy Stewart is iconic for his role in ‘Mr. Krueger’s Christmas’, a little-known and highly underrated Christmas move made in 1984.
The man and the birds (Paul Harvey)
Paul Harvey relates his classic story of a man who finds faith at Christmas - with the help of some freezing birds.