Gentlemen shepherds
For an inspiring new take on the time-honored God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen, read the words and watch the performance of this memorable processional number.
Villagers visit King George at Christmas
A touching scene in the historical drama The Crown, in which local residents visit the royal estate to greet King George VI with Christmas carols, is described.
Christmas Prayer
“Let not our hearts be busy inns that have no room for thee, but cradles for the Living Christ and His nativity.”
Christmas in the Heart
A pair of short poems about always having Christmas in one’s heart.
Christmas Everywhere
‘Christmas Everywhere’ by Phillips Brooks is a positive and optimistic poem about the impact of Christmas around the world.
They still seek Him - a story of modern-day wise men
“By the sweat of their brows, with their hands, men earn bread.. Among them are those that desire to be led.”
Are we among them?
Heaven’s Hallelujah
A Christ-centered version of the Leonard Cohen classic "Hallelujah". Original arrangement by Garth Smith performed here in a new version for choirs. A nicely made music video with some especially fine visuals.
The Wexford Carol
The Wexford Carol is an ancient Irish song recounting the birth of Jesus Christ.
A rose springs forth
The hymn "Lo, How a Rose E'er Blooming" incorporates multiple symbolic meanings, including that of Jesus Christ, reflecting His divine love and the spiritual connection between believers and God.
God is not dead, nor doth He sleep
When conflict rages, and pain, grief and loneliness overwhelm us, where is the music of hope and peace? For Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, the answer to that question had everything to do with Christmas.
From angels bending near the earth
Here read all five verses of Edmund Sears classic Christmas poem.
Here is the truth in a little creed
A brief expression of his faith, from American poet Edwin Markham.
Love Came Down at Christmas
Christina Rossetti reflects upon the love of God in sending the world his Only Son.
Christmas Eve, 1893
Poetess Christina Rossetti invites nature to join her in rejoicing that Christ has come.
Old Santeclaus With Much Delight
In the early 1800’s, a poem for children appeared, featuring the first known depictions of Santa Claus in the new world.
The boy who laughed at Santa Claus
In this cautionary tale for children, humorist Ogden Nash tells the shocking story of Jabez Dawes, who loudly proclaimed his disbelief in Santa Claus - until one fateful Christmas Eve…
The Ragged Stocking
At Christmas time, a miscreant’s love for his child inspires him to stop drinking.
The Road to Bethlehem
How can the sacred heart of God heal all this guilt and grief. Lord, I believe. And yet, this night, help Thou my unbelief!
Christmas - We are home again
Again Christmas, abiding point of return - and we are home again!