The birth of Jesus Christ was extensively predicted
The birth of Jesus had been predicted and promised by prophets of God for centuries.
The Benedictus
The Prophecy of Zacharias, or Benedictus, is a less-known but significant part of the Christmas story.
The Magnificat
The Magnificat is a profound hymn of praise spoken by Mary, the mother of Jesus, during her visit to her cousin Elizabeth, shortly after the Annunciation. Learn more about this significant poetic prayer here.
The Tree of Life
The tree of life is a powerful symbol, representing eternal life and God's provision for humanity.
Handel’s beloved oratorio
Handel’s Messiah is now regarded as one of the most glorious expressions of sacred joy in the Christmas repertory, and an enduring Christmas tradition.
For unto us a Child is born
This well-known biblical passage is a messianic prophecy that foretells the coming of a special child who will be much more than an ordinary human ruler.
Gordon B. Hinckley reflects upon the love of God
Marvelous is the chronicle that began with the singing of angels at Bethlehem and ended on Golgotha’s cruel cross. There is no other life to compare with His life.
Gordon B. Hinckley testifies of Christ at Christmas
“This is the wondrous and true story of Christmas,” says Gordon B. Hinckley, concluding his memorable address at the First Presidency Christmas Devotional in 1994.
A night without darkness
The Book of Mormon refers to astronomical “signs and wonders” to accompany the birth of Christ, but one of those signs is so remarkable as to set it apart from the others.
Resolve for a New Year
“Some day we might look back on our lives and wonder what we could have been if we had believed in ourselves just a little more.”
A voice of mighty thunderings, saying “Alleluia”!
A beloved part of the Christmas tradition for many people is the performance of the Messiah, by Georg Friedrich Händel, with its resounding “Hallelujah Chorus”.
A Child Is Born
An outstanding BYU Forum address by Elder Bruce D. Porter. This is a substantial article and one that is highly recommended.
“Mine eyes have seen thy salvation”
An event related to the Christmas story but rarely mentioned in connection with it is the presentation of the child Jesus at the temple.
12 Days of Christmas: A daily study guide to bring the Savior into the season
This writer has come up with a study guide to use the 12 days of Christmas to focus on the Savior and the story of His birth.