Remember the life and lessons of Jesus
A brief passage from Charles Dickens work, The Life of Our Lord, which he wrote for his children.
And now we only wait
By changing just one word, the carol “Joy to the World” becomes a millennial anthem.
Can we see the Christ in Christmas?
Many could not see Him, though He walked among them in plain sight. Who did see him, asks Dieter F. Uchtdorf in this outstanding Christmas talk. And can we see the Christ?
A Child Is Born
An outstanding BYU Forum address by Elder Bruce D. Porter. This is a substantial article and one that is highly recommended.
Good King Wenceslas
The legend of Good King Wenceslas is a beloved part of the Christmas tradition in Europe, America, and around the world.
Reading the Christmas story is not enough
Gordon B. Hinckley invites us to look inward to test our own hearts, and look outward for an opportunity to reach down and lift someone who is in need.
Reflect on the wonder and majesty of the Son of God
Gordon B. Hinckley expresses his wish that each of us find, perhaps only an hour, for meditation upon the wonder of the Son of God’s coming into the world.
Seeing Christmas through new eyes
Dieter F. Uchtdorf’s memorable talk about Jesus, the Grinch, and seeing Christmas through new eyes.
The Road to Bethlehem
How can the sacred heart of God heal all this guilt and grief. Lord, I believe. And yet, this night, help Thou my unbelief!
The Savior’s Christmas gifts
Never did the Savior give in expectation. He was always the giver, seldom the recipient. His gifts were of such a nature that the recipient could hardly exchange or return the value.
The Silent Stars Go By
O Little Child of Bethlehem,
Why do your young eyes grieve?
What do your outstretched arms implore
Of us this Christmas Eve?
Christmas Peace During War
One Christmas during the World War, when no-man’s-land was white with snow, the troops in a certain “quiet sector” began to exchange holiday greetings by means of crudely painted signs.
The Babe of Bethlehem
One silent night, out over the white-chalked hills of Bethlehem, came a gentle cry. The great ones of the earth did not hear it, for they could not understand how an Infant could be greater than a man.