Christmas Prayer
“Let not our hearts be busy inns that have no room for thee, but cradles for the Living Christ and His nativity.”
Christmas in the Heart
A pair of short poems about always having Christmas in one’s heart.
This is not Casper the Friendly Ghost
In this post, we consider one of the best-known and truly unique characters of the Christmastide — Marley’s Ghost.
Heaven’s Hallelujah
A Christ-centered version of the Leonard Cohen classic "Hallelujah". Original arrangement by Garth Smith performed here in a new version for choirs. A nicely made music video with some especially fine visuals.
Can we see the Christ in Christmas?
Many could not see Him, though He walked among them in plain sight. Who did see him, asks Dieter F. Uchtdorf in this outstanding Christmas talk. And can we see the Christ?
The unforgettable scene in Mr. Krueger’s Christmas
For older Latter-day Saints, actor Jimmy Stewart is iconic for his role in ‘Mr. Krueger’s Christmas’, a little-known and highly underrated Christmas move made in 1984.
Reading the Christmas story is not enough
Gordon B. Hinckley invites us to look inward to test our own hearts, and look outward for an opportunity to reach down and lift someone who is in need.
Reflect on the wonder and majesty of the Son of God
Gordon B. Hinckley expresses his wish that each of us find, perhaps only an hour, for meditation upon the wonder of the Son of God’s coming into the world.
Love Divine
Christmastide prompts us to be more tolerant and giving, more generous and genuine, more filled with hope and charity and love. No wonder the spirit of Christmas touches the hearts of people the world over.
With Wondering Awe
Only [the wise men] kneeled before the young child, Jesus. They had a star within that enabled them to see the star without. They saw it with the eyes of faith, and it brought them to Jesus.
O Holy Child
Marvin J. Ashton says that Jesus stands before the citadel of our souls, pleading for room in our hearts and our lives.
A Christmas Miracle
Winter is a cold time of year in the Russia Moscow Mission. To a missionary this sometimes seems true of not only the weather but also the people…
Brightly Burns the Christmas Candle
This song, a favorite of mine from back in the 90’s, was originally composed by Merrill Jenson as a home teaching message.